Best Financial offers a complete range of financial consulting services for our clients
- Business Consulting and Planning can make a dramatic difference for existing businesses.
- Business Startups receive invaluable planning advice and financial statement preparation which allows them to focus on growing their new business.
- Comprehensive payroll services include but are not limited to Check Printing or Direct Payroll Deposits, Payroll Tax Quarterly Filing for Federal, State, and Unemployment Taxes.
- Estate and Succession Planning
- Franchise Reporting
- Insurance Audits
- IRS Threatening Letters, Audit Notification, Offers-in-Compromise and Innocent Spouse Tax Filing
- Retirement Planning includes Gift and Estate Tax Planning and Tax Return Preparation
- Notary for loan applications, Wills or Living Trusts and other Legal Documents are available
- Out of State Tax Returns and Nonresident Returns
- Wage Garnishment, Liens or a Bank Levy